Wow, she is a brave child.
Reviewer: 1nadali Signed

Date: August 12 2013 10:40 am
Great read so far cant wait till the sequel
Reviewer: tiffany Anonymous

Date: August 07 2013 04:15 pm
I love it...Please continue the amazing story
Reviewer: Bredreaway Signed

Date: August 04 2013 11:32 pm
Please give us more. I love this story
Reviewer: Bredreaway Signed

Date: August 03 2013 06:06 am
Great update
Reviewer: Bredreaway Signed

Date: August 03 2013 06:05 am
What a beautiful story
Reviewer: Bredreaway Signed

Date: August 03 2013 06:05 am
Okay third times the charm, this has been an amazing ride filled with twists and turns like a great roller coaster. Over all the story as a whole was well thought throgh as where the plot was leading to, the characters helped move the story along and the love actually did not make me sick. and despite the cliffhangers being a pain, they did feed my hunger to know what would happen next. A sequel has alot to own up to and rarely are they better than the original. But i guess that i will just have to wait and see. Until than adieu.
Reviewer: reader101 Signed

Date: August 03 2013 04:58 am
I can't believe that I missed this chapter. So Emily is hybrid werewold, so wwill Eris do the right thing and tell her alphas about this news? I hope so as I don't want Emily to get hurt.
Reviewer: pmgayles Signed

Date: August 03 2013 04:24 am
Antoine's momma is off her rocker, cray cray and in denial. Antoine challenged him for his right to mate with Solona so he got what he deserved. And baby makes three, I am so happy!! I hope that they don't let their guards down, well I know that Cruz won't it's Solona that I am worried about. Good stuff!!
Reviewer: pmgayles Signed

Date: August 03 2013 04:18 am
Im pretty sure mathew is happy that she is pregnant
Reviewer: Toya23 Signed [Report This]Date: July 28 2013 11:06 pm
Well this certainly explains alot. The drama factor did not fail to ensnare and caught me like prey. It all makes sense now, that is alot to take in for anyone. Solana's life is full of surprises but that is nothing new. I wonder how cruz would take the realization but once again that cliffhangers rears it's ugly and unptedictable head.
As for Emily who I wondered was doing only cnnected the dotes to the conclusion i had at the back of my mind. Now it all makes sense why it took this long I will never know. Eris is in a state of shock and confusion as anyone would be. There was something different about her and now i know why. Cleary this is rare and may come as a surprise. The questions will never end but this helped to tie many loose ends. Such a mad genius.
Reviewer: reader101 Signed

Date: July 28 2013 06:05 am
What is wrong with Solona? Can those two catch a break? First that crazy ass Antoine and the ho Kara now Solona gets sick. What else could go wrong? Great chapter!!
Reviewer: pmgayles Signed

Date: July 22 2013 01:52 am
love this story so much..can't wait till next time
Reviewer: LifesAGamePlayIt Signed [Report This]Date: July 21 2013 08:22 pm
Solana and Matthew have alone time, nothing seems to tear these two apart. The animal urge to mate and claim is brighter than any flame and just as hot. Solana does trully have a mothers instinct and there is no doubt about it. Cruz is happy knowing that Solana is his mate now and forever but he still loves her. Seeing these two together connected by mind and spirit only brings them closer.
The run in the forest only seemed to wet their appetite to be even closer in more ways than one. They may be wolves but they also love one another in the purist form. Solana getting sick is alittle alarming. Cruz probably feels responsible because he suggested that they go for a late night run. Darn these cliff hangerss and darn you for doing it but i am sure there is a reason for it. This was a good way to start off any day.
Reviewer: reader101 Signed

Date: July 21 2013 06:01 pm
Great Story!!!!
Author's Response:
Thanks for reading and reviewing! I hope I will hear more from you!
Reviewer: Cynthia Allen Anonymous

Date: July 14 2013 10:35 pm
Well i have got to say that was a chapter well worth the wait, that is what makes the readers come back hungry for more. Solana is showing the pure signs of the alpha female without even trying like a true female wolf. As for the love scene, it was great it felt realistic without all the fantasy sugar coat. They are now mated for life, they will be inseperable just like a newlywed couple but with the closer lifelong bond. They are taking the next step in their lives but that also means new obstacles that will test them over and over. For now they are basking in each others presences now that their souls are one. Great....waitt no excellent update oh and did not mind the flaws in fact i really paid them no mind
Author's Response:
Finally they mate right? I wanted to make this chapter as juicy as possible. I'm happy you enjoyed the love scenes my friend! Thanks so much for reading and reviewing!
Reviewer: reader101 Signed

Date: July 14 2013 07:32 pm
That was awesome! Solona finally checked that bitch Kara! Cruz claimed what was his and it was hot and sexy!
Author's Response:
LOL It's my first time writing a love scene. I'm glad you enjoyed it so much.
Thanks for reading and reviewing!
Reviewer: pmgayles Signed

Date: July 14 2013 06:51 pm
I absolutely love your book please continue with the update
Author's Response:
Awww thank you so much for reading and reviewing! I was wondering where you went! I guess you were just hiding. LOL I plan on finishing this story to the end so don't worry!
Stay tuned!
Reviewer: Bredreaway Signed

Date: July 12 2013 10:04 am
Someone going to die, that was how badly they fought to claim Solana as their own. For a moment it looked like Cruz was going to lose it. Antoine was strong but Matthew and his love for Solana was the strongest. It was a tough fight and he will have more battle scars to add to his collection as he clearly stated. The time is drawing closer as they are both getting closer to the Lunar Festival close at hand.
For a while, Cruz had me going with that little fainting spell but i guess i would faint too if i was in his condition. The lifestyle of the wolf is no walk in the park. Anyway still a good read.
Author's Response:
The life of a wolf is never easy. They have so many rules to follow, espeically if they are in a pack. Other than that, Matthew has survived the battle. It was the toughest one in his life so far. Now he can relax for a bit and enjoy the festival.
Thanks for reading and reviewing buddy! <3
Reviewer: reader101 Signed

Date: July 12 2013 01:35 am
That was too close for comfort, that fool Antoine was strong in his craziness!! Is Solona ready to be a grown up even if she is only 18 years old. This sitution is forcing to do something that she is not mentally or emotionally prepared for and that is to be an adult. Hopefully watching Cruz fight for her makes he accept what is coming whether she is ready or not. Excellent!!
Author's Response:
Yes, wether Solana likes it or not, she will have to mature and grow up. Every wolf has to do this when they reach the mature age of 18. Sooner or later she is going to have to face it.
Thanks for reading and reviewing! I really appriciate you sticking with me!
Reviewer: pmgayles Signed

Date: July 11 2013 11:41 pm
The invitable match has begun. It has come down to two males fighting for the object of desire,the circle of life and nature. Oh the old glamour into submission, Antoine is one dangerous wolf and that says alot. Solana knew this day would come and now she has to sit back and watch as these two fight to the death at worst. Matthew and Antoine have made clear that they will kill to have Solana for themselves. For Eris this is all so strange and wrong, but in time she will come to understand as her grandmother stated. Matthew`s father is wise and level headed, no wonder Cruz is so kind but does not take no bull. The stage is set let the battle commence.
Reviewer: reader101 Signed

Date: July 07 2013 08:57 pm
How could you end it right there, cliffhangers are evil! I Felly want Antoine dead, he deserves go die painfully and so does Kara for that matter. Good stuff!
Author's Response:
Thanks for reading and reviewing! And cliffhangers is what keep the readers with me of course! :) You will live. I told you Antoine will be back.
Soon you will see what happens next.
Stay tuned.
Reviewer: pmgayles Signed

Date: July 07 2013 07:41 pm