There is alot to think about. Solana is still young but in time she will grow into her strengh and her role as female alpha. Let nature take it s course and flow naturally. It also seems that Matthew has some more competion. Still a good read.
Reviewer: reader101 Signed

Date: June 24 2013 08:54 pm
There is alot to think about. Solana is still young but in time she will grow into her strengh and her role as female alpha. Let nature take it s course and flow naturally. It also seems that Matthew has some more competion. Still a good read.
Reviewer: reader101 Signed

Date: June 24 2013 08:53 pm
what happend to the guy trying to steal her? havent heard from him. I thought the story would had progressed with him more involved?
Author's Response:
Don't worry. You will see more him coming up soon! I didn't forget about him!
Reviewer: PetitteBelle Signed

Date: June 24 2013 07:55 am
Solona is too trusting, Damian, Crystal and Cameron are making my spicy sense tingle! Solo a is going to have to grow up she's an alpha or the mate of an alpha. Love Cruz!!
Author's Response:
Solana still needs to grow into her title as Alpha female. She still has a lot to learn what it really means to be Alpha. She's doesn't exactly know her inner strength. In the past she only has used her inner strength to protect the ones she cares about like Eris or Emily. Solana has a lot to learn, yes but she will eventually learn and grow. Don't forget she is very young and still wants to live in her childhood. Her growth will come. Don't worry
Reviewer: pmgayles Signed

Date: June 24 2013 01:44 am
oh shit is she going to be mad at Cruz for leaving her on her own. And run off with Antoine?
Reviewer: PetitteBelle Signed

Date: May 18 2013 12:37 am
Nsi, you stopped right there, no... I hope they make it, there's just no peace for Solana. I'm enjoying this read.
Reviewer: Lindy Signed

Date: May 17 2013 10:30 am
Solona is Cruz's weakness and will get him killed. She's weak and headstrong and doesn't think before she acts. This is not good, please let her snap out of the stupidity!
Author's Response:
You really think she's weak? I would think of her as more cautious and careful than anything. I don't think she's weak.
Reviewer: pmgayles Signed

Date: May 17 2013 07:15 am
OH NOOOO!! So mean.. *pouty face* LOL!! Great post, please post soon :-)
Author's Response:
I'm glad you enjoyed it! I was afraid that folks might not like this post.
Thanks, Nsablo
Reviewer: sweetlooking218 Signed

Date: May 17 2013 07:04 am
Great, I really like the long chapter. Please post more long chapters soon :-)
Author's Response:
I will try to make the chapters longer. It just takes more time and effort.
Thanks for reading and reviewing.
Reviewer: sweetlooking218 Signed

Date: April 21 2013 12:33 pm
He may love her but he has to remember that she is not ready. Great update.I
Reviewer: reader101 Signed

Date: April 21 2013 03:26 am
Solona Matt is grown man who is sexually attracted to you and loves you as man loves a woman. Has she gone into heat yet? I hope that Solona feelings for Matt mature, he's ready for some good loving.
Author's Response:
Solana is still adjusting to things and she hasn't gone into heat just yet. But Matt(a.k.a Cruz) sure has and can't seem to help his urge to mate. He will have to wait until Solana is ready.
Thanks for reading and reviewing!
Reviewer: pmgayles Signed

Date: April 21 2013 01:21 am
More please...thanks for sharing.
Author's Response:
Thanks for reading and reviewing! There is more to come!
Reviewer: Lindy Signed

Date: April 16 2013 07:10 pm
It is nice to realax and not worry about life even if it is for a short time. Nothing says summer like going to the beach with good friends and not a care in the world. Solana and Matthew mave not always have time to be alone but they still enjoy every moment together. It seems that they will have to be careful now that the detective discovered the wolf fur. I suppose they cannot help but to worry about the future. At least they have each other, abest friend and a shoulder to cry on.
Reviewer: reader101 Signed

Date: April 16 2013 02:40 am
Yes, More Sol and Cruz!!!! I can't wait for their trip and the Fall Festival. Great job, again :-)
Author's Response:
Don't worry, I will try to update as soon as I can. Yeah, Solana and Cruz need more together time.
Thanks for reading and reviewing!
Reviewer: sweetlooking218 Signed

Date: April 16 2013 02:08 am
Well, Cruz and Solona are being very affectionate with it each other. I truly hope that Detective Downing doesn't get to far with his investigation. I take that Brent's son won't turn into a werewolf from the Eris' bite? This is an amazing story!!
Author's Response:
thanks for reading and reviewing! And no Brent's son wont turn into a wolf. He would have to be born into the family like Solana or Cruz. It's not a virus. And I'm so glad you are enjoying this story!
Reviewer: pmgayles Signed

Date: April 16 2013 02:01 am
retribution is best served cold...I love the update, please update soon
Author's Response:
Thanks for reading and reviewing! I will update as soon as I can. I am working on the update now for this week.
Reviewer: Bredreaway Signed

Date: April 14 2013 10:10 pm
Dont know where the hell I've been; might have dipped in and out, but now I'm definitely in! This story is fabulous!!!
Author's Response:
Thanks for reading and reviewing! I'm glad you are enjoying this story!
Stay tuned!!
Reviewer: flikchick Signed

Date: April 14 2013 04:34 am
thanks for the update! brent's crazy ass got what he deserved but i don't think the threat is completly over - the detective took the fur sample and won't questions be asked about Eris gunshot wounds plus Brent's sons...yeah, this story gets more intriguing every single time - keep it up and thanks!
Author's Response:
You are welcome! I try my best to update as soon as I can. I'm glad you are enjoiyng it. Brent did got what he deserved, Cruz did what he had to do!
Let's see what happens next!
Stay tuned!
Reviewer: Cassius_Noir Signed [Report This]Date: April 13 2013 11:04 am
Eris was found thank you so much for saving her dumb butt!! Brent was on the receiving end of cosmis justice. Will his son turn into a werewolf? Was Eris taken to the same hospital that Brent's son was? Such a marvelous story and I am glad that you are sharing it with us the reader!!
Author's Response:
I am so glad you are enjoying my story chapter by chapter. You have no idea how good that makes me feel. And Brent got what was coming for him. And you will see what come up next. And in this story, you have to be born into the family to be a wolf. It's not a virus when one is bitten and turns into a wolf.
Thanks for reading and Reviewing!
Reviewer: pmgayles Signed

Date: April 13 2013 05:40 am
Damn... Cruz is no joke! Great work, I can`t wait for more. Though I miss Sol and Cruz being together (romantically) :)
Author's Response:
LOL Cruz doesn't play when it comes to his family and his pack. And don't worry there will be more Solana and Cruz action as the story goes on. Everyone needs their own light to shine.
Reviewer: sweetlooking218 Signed

Date: April 13 2013 04:00 am
The Gore only made me more hungrey to read faster. At least Eris is safe and the threat has been taken care of. Cruz as the pact leader does hav to make a lot of tough decisions for the pack. But I wonder about that detective with the fur sample and that this is only the beginning.
Reviewer: reader101 Signed [Report This]Date: April 13 2013 01:52 am
halleloo eris escaped! i hope she makes it to a safe place seeing how she is hurt and bleeding - hmm, i wonder if matt and his pack will be the ones that finds her. she might run into someon else ;)
anyhow - thanks for the update!!
Author's Response:
You are welcome! I couldn't leave it at the cliffhanger for to long! lol
Let's see what happens to Eris in the next update. Stay tuned!
And thank you for following my story for this long.
Reviewer: Cassius_Noir Signed

Date: March 17 2013 10:41 am
Thank for letting Eris get away and I hope that she has learned a lesson. She needs to be grounded for the next five years! I want something bad to happen to Bruce, he deserves to have pain! Great update.
Author's Response:
I didn't have the heart to kill Eris off like that. It would be to much. Wait until the pack sees her again.
Thanks for reading and reviewing :)
Reviewer: pmgayles Signed

Date: March 17 2013 06:03 am
I can understand why Solana is upset and how Matthew feels that he has not been paying much attention to Eris. I am glad that Eris is alright and that she was able to get away. It seems that they will have to be more careful from now on. At least no one believes the old man about wolves living among them for now.
This detective seems like he may become a hindrance in the case of the burned cabin. He refuses to let it go which indicates that he will be making more appearences in the future. Thank you for the update and not keeping it a cliff hanger for to long.
Author's Response:
With that old man and the dectective snooping around. Things are going to be a little difficult for the Cruz house.
Thanks for reading and reviewing!
Reviewer: reader101 Signed

Date: March 16 2013 09:13 pm
love it
Author's Response:
Thank you for reading and reviewing! :)
Reviewer: Bredreaway Signed

Date: March 16 2013 08:57 pm