dun dun dunn...! oh no :O dammit eris - solana is going to be worried sick now! great update - thanks!
Author's Response:
Ohh! Solana is going to go crzy once she finds out her sister is missing.
Thanks for reading and reviewing! I will try to update soon.
Reviewer: Cassius_Noir Signed [Report This]Date: March 13 2013 08:39 pm
I wondered when their grandmother would appear again. There is nothing like a family visit to ease the tension. As for Cruz requesting Solana to resign her position at the restaurant, i understand that he wants her safe. When Solana and Cruz shifted and when it for a run, i knew they were in their element. They finally had a chance to spend time together, just the two of them.
As for Eris, she kind of set herself up to get caught and that this situation will make their lives more difficult. I wonder how Solana will take the news and how this will affect the family as a whole.
Reviewer: reader101 Signed

Date: March 12 2013 07:09 pm
Antoine must be sure of himself that he will win this duel or he must really want to die. Cruz is no push over and will do everything in his power to ensure Solana remains his alone. I know that Solana does not want bloodshed but it is unavoidable. With the mating season near, these two will settle it once and for all. Great update and sorry for the late review.
Reviewer: reader101 Signed

Date: March 12 2013 07:01 pm
OMG Eris!! Ugh her little badass!
Author's Response:
I know! Eris is something else! Talk about tense!
Thanks for reading and reviewing!!
Reviewer: PetitteBelle Signed

Date: March 12 2013 09:19 am
wow..love it
Author's Response:
Crazy stuff going on right?
Thanks for reading and reviewing!
Reviewer: Bredreaway Signed

Date: March 12 2013 06:33 am
Eris, your stupidity has gotten caught and possibly killed. I think that Solona should quit immediatley because she's too trusting and stupid as well. I sure hope that dude is related to Emily so that Eris can somehow get free. As it stands Solona and Matthew will have no idea where she is to even mount a rescue. Stupid child!! Great update. Even though you apologized for the cliffhanger, I still want you to know that cliffhangers are evil!! Cliffhangers are cruel and unusual punishment!!
Author's Response:
Cliffhangers aren't that bad. It makes the readers want more from the story. :)
Thank you for reading and reviewing! You are one of my loyal readers that have been sticking to my stories!
Reviewer: pmgayles Signed

Date: March 12 2013 05:50 am
i've been wiaiting for the update so thank you! wow, Antoine actually challenged Matt - wow that fight is going to be something else...if Solana can't come up with another way, that is ;) thanks again!
Author's Response:
You are so welcome darling! I am so sorry to keep you waiting for so long. Let's see what happens next shall we?
Stay tuned!
Reviewer: Cassius_Noir Signed

Date: March 10 2013 06:51 pm
Wow, Going Great. I'm not Quite Sure But Were you the Author Who Had A Story About A girl going to a private school and joining a soccer team?
Author's Response:
Thanks for reading and reviewing! And no I didn't write a story like that. I think you have me mistaken for another author.
Reviewer: TYvm123 Anonymous [Report This]Date: March 10 2013 08:59 am
wow this will be interesting!
Reviewer: PetitteBelle Signed

Date: March 10 2013 04:53 am
Cruz kill that crazy fool Antoine Solona don't want you! Solona wake up and don't be the weak link. Thank you for the update!
Reviewer: pmgayles Signed

Date: March 10 2013 03:28 am
love it...please update soon
Author's Response:
Thank you for reading and reviewing!
Reviewer: Bredreaway Signed

Date: March 10 2013 03:15 am
i think your story is very good. however, i do find it odd that you switch between tenses a lot. this may just be me but i find it uncomfortable to read and distracting. either way though, i really like your story and cant wait to read more.
Author's Response:
Thank you for reading and reviewing! I am glad you are enjoying this story. I am still learning how to write and improve my grammar. And tenses are my biggest problem. I am sorry that it is distracting you. I'm trying my best to keep the tenses consistent for the readers to be comfertable with.
Thank you for pointing it out. I have to keep it consistent.
Please continue reading.
Thank you, Nsablo
Reviewer: sha2011 Signed [Report This]Date: February 15 2013 06:15 am
i think your story is very good. however, i do find it odd that you switch between tenses a lot. this may just be me but i find it uncomfortable to read and distracting. either way though, i really like your story and cant wait to read more.
Reviewer: sha2011 Signed [Report This]Date: February 15 2013 06:08 am
An enchanting chapter in the world of these wolves. Matt will have to be strong for Solana now that there is a new rival. I just hope Antoine is prepared and will not take Matt as a push over.
Reviewer: reader101 Signed

Date: February 12 2013 12:02 am
Antoine is a stalker and Matthew is going to kill him and I can't wait!!
Author's Response:
Thank you for reading and reviewing.
Stay tuned!
Reviewer: pmgayles Signed

Date: February 07 2013 04:59 am
This is good, I enjoyed it. I laughed, I smiled, I frowned (especially at Kara, lol) and had other reactions. Great job. Update soon! :D
Author's Response:
Thank you for reading and reviewing! I will try to update as soon as I can :)
Reviewer: RachieFly Signed

Date: January 22 2013 06:03 pm
They really have to watch what they say with Emily. Poor Solana sprained her ankle and had to be carried home by Cruz's competion. I see that Solana and Eris still have not come to grips with their parents deaths. It should'nt be to hard to pretend they are engaged. Nice update.
Reviewer: reader101 Signed

Date: January 08 2013 11:05 pm
interested to see if a live triangle.develops.
Reviewer: Acdromance Signed

Date: January 08 2013 08:03 pm
Why didn't run with her cell phone with her? If she had had a cell she could have called Matt to come and get her and would have avoided that ahole Antoine knowing where they lived. I don't trust Antoine can you please have get run over by a bus?
Author's Response:
Thank you for reading and reviewing! Stay tuned for more!
Reviewer: pmgayles Signed

Date: January 08 2013 01:43 am
I'm enjoying the story. I can't wait to find out some more info on Antoine. Also, when do we find out what Emily's secret is? Can't wait for an update.
Reviewer: dgreen1980 Signed [Report This]Date: January 06 2013 08:37 pm
Lol he looks good enough to me but its just...Antoine got that sexy swag and that...look. But I do like Cruz picture it kinda puts into perspective that he is indeed a Man and not some boy...still Antoine....lol let me stop I like the pics glad you put one up
Author's Response:
Thank you! I am glad you like them. Its something to image him as I guess. But in my head i see a totally different pic.
Reviewer: SeriouslyMe Anonymous [Report This]Date: December 30 2012 05:51 am
shooooooot Antoine is sexy then a mamajama I don't know wat Cruz look like so right now Antoine is winning in the looks department then he got charm omg I'm about to switch teams lol. Good chapter though I'm glad Solana kept her cool and didn't act out or trick out. Glad you updated.
Author's Response:
Sorry, I am taking long to put a pic up for Cruz. It's so hard to find a pic that looks like him or in the image that I want you all to see him as. I just posted a picture up of Cruz, its not the best but it will do for the sake of the story. I hope you like it.
Thanks for reading and reviewing.
Reviewer: SeriouslyMe Anonymous

Date: December 30 2012 04:45 am
I admire Solana's work ethic and keeping her composure in the presence of other male wolves. I found the inner thoughts funny and slightly awkward at the same time. Mat certainly made his feelings known in Pierre's presence. This is the start of some unhealthy competion wolf style. Great update.
Reviewer: reader101 Signed [Report This]Date: December 26 2012 07:53 pm
I am glad that Emily is alright and that Eris has a friend her age to relate with. I know how hard that can be. Emily has a strong interest in wolves that it seems like fate they all met.
Reviewer: reader101 Signed [Report This]Date: December 26 2012 07:44 pm
So far i like the characters and i enjoyed how Solana took care of those men. So far so good. Cruz is clearly looking out for them.
Reviewer: reader101 Signed [Report This]Date: December 26 2012 07:38 pm