Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
For a full on five seconds or so we stared at each other - well, I say staring, it was more like I was doing the staring and he was doing the glaring. My question to him was what unfortunate goat was stuck up his ass hole. No one was too high and mighty to receive compliments – clearly he thought he was.
By the unimpressed look on his face, my silence (and staring) was not helping matters. Coming to terms that my last statement had not gone down well, I took in a deep breath, giving my mind time to process what to say before giving permission for my mouth to open.
Hesitating at first I apologized. Pausing briefly only to see his reaction it wasn't a good one, I used my speck of courage to rush out the rest. "I'm-I'm just hoping there is a way we can work around this?"
"You're sorry? Well I'm sorry but sorry is not going to cut it. Your sorry-ass car hit mine and your sorry-ass has to pay for that", he said pointing over to the small indent on his car parked on the opposite side of the road, "now hand over your details and you can tell my insurance just how fucking sorry you really are."
He didn't comment on my compliment so at least I didn't have to deal with that but shit, how he'd talked to me and looked down at me in disgust - the humiliation was huge.
My throat was dry as the tears urged to spill but my dimming pride was able to stem the flow just in time. In the state of mind that I was in, I did not care who he was going to get on me. Ducking my head into my car to unzip my school bag, I grabbed my notebook and quickly scribbled down my number. Tearing it out the page, I handed it over to him noticing the anger and confused expression on his face as he read what I'd written down.
"When you've sorted out what's stuck up your ass, give me a call so we can talk properly."
Not bothering to listen to his response, I got into my car and peeled off the side of the road without a backward glance.