Members: 6438
Series: 140
Stories: 1091
Chapters: 7753
Word count: 19360501
Authors: 411
Reviews: 95816
Reviewers: 1322
Newest Member: Novemberishere
Challenges: 122
Challengers: 44
Recommendations: 19
Recommenders: 13

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Going slowly (or rapidly) stir crazy 3%
Using this time to reassess what is important
Using this time to reassess what is important 11%
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Marino Family: Permanently Yours by Hopefulness23 17 and older
Working as a Home Health Aide and struggling to make ends meet. All Aries Washington wanted to do was prove the child she had three years ago, was in fact the son of Cameron Marino. She didn't have any delusions about them putting their differences aside and falling madly in love. Why would she?...
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A Quote
"Even if you fall on your face, you're still moving forward." ~~ Victor Kiam

Victim of the Fall by Lililei Mature Content
Here is the deepest secret nobody knows Here is the root of the root and...

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Love and Football (An Interracial Love Story) by Naturallytenacious Mature Content
Get ready to dive into the captivating story of teenage couples as they navigate the treacherous waters of high school and strive to make their relationships last.    Maurice and Elisha have been inseparable since 10th grade, their love story a shining example of black love. However, behind...
NO HIDING by marchpisces92 Mature Content
It's always hard to move on from tradgey but the one thing we can't do is hide forever.
Beneath the Surface by chocolate470 Most Ages
  The continuation of Seeking Us   All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media...
Personal Care Physician by Saint Mirror Mature Content
Martha Jones takes care of a special patient
Cry Another Day by Elizabeth Griffin 17 and older
Ayesha Campbell believes in the traditional marriage, but her husband, Maxwell Campbell has other ideas.  After the birth of their fifth child, he reveals a shocking truth...
Take Me by Elizabeth Griffin 17 and older
Lusting after someone's fiance is definitely not a good idea.  It obviously isn't the right way to start off the New Year, but try explaining that to 26-year-old Marlena Logan. At this point in her life, she's not hearing it.  She has no time for reason or logic.  Marlena is drunk...
The Ones Who Love by Fik Freak 17 and older
Short story, with some minor head canon of what happens after Michonne and Rick return to Alexandria and reunite with their kids. Of course there will be the mature romance, love and angst I'm known for so I hope the Richonne fandom is ready for a quick return trip with me.
Magic Man by SouthernSwampMamma 17 and older
Yolana Humphry spent her entire life stuck in Tapioca, Alabama, under the thumb of her controlling Aunt Freda. That is, until a stranger comes along and swoops her off her feet. A charming man, that everyone but herself seems to know; who easily bypasses her fragile walls and embeds himself in her...
HUMAN by BLUD CERULEAN 17 and older
Being His wife meant perfection. Being with Him made her feel Human. Even if there would be hearts broken and principles wronged, she needed to feel something. 

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Welcome to the Chamber. An archive of stories for Women of Color BY Women of Color, nuturing the unique literary voices of Women of Color

Older stories can be found in our Chamber Vault.

Chamber News

Many Thanks

We have reached our goal to cover the running costs of the site. Thank you to everyone who contributed, your support means so very much. This is such a wonderful community and it is a great thing to be able to keep it ad-free and a safe space for all who enjoy it.


Have also given the site a bit of a facelift, been quite a while since we have added any new looks. If you prefer another look, you can set it in your prefernces.

--jacci on June 29 2024 07:06 am 0 Comments--

Chamber Chat
09/06/24 01:41 am
Jacci, great job on the new look on the home screen. Thnx so much for all of your hard work. Great to see that ValentChamber continues to thrive. Thnx to all of the writers and readers for supporti

07/29/24 03:06 am
and produce great WOC creatives! It is lovely to have the Chamber back and on the path to what we all remember it as! Great job jacci! VC4L

07/29/24 03:04 am
Blessings everyone! It has been so long since I have been active on here :’( In reading the chat and gathering updates, I will say that I am glad that the Chamber will continue to live on and produ

07/14/24 12:59 am
blueangel, got your email, digging into the database now to see what is going on

07/13/24 07:57 pm
Hello Jacci, I cannot log into the vault with my password. When I try error pop up. Do I need a new password?

Jade Moon
07/12/24 02:37 pm
There's no hard feelings. Different strokes for different folks. I love it over there and over here.

Jade Moon
07/12/24 02:34 pm
Toni Sparks the membership was capped @5k. I'm a member.

Toni Sparks
07/12/24 01:18 pm
And the reason why they are no longer on this site is foul. Pure jealousy.

Toni Sparks
07/12/24 01:15 pm
Jade Moon i wasn't able to join the tribe's website because it was full. Did you?

07/09/24 09:59 pm
thank you so much Jade Moon! im trying to be consistent. I love this site too!

Jade Moon
07/07/24 05:11 pm
That's Naturally Tenacious, this woman is on fire!

Jade Moon
07/07/24 05:09 pm
This site has a comforting new look, Jacci. With the consistency of writers like Naturally this site will live on forever.

07/01/24 05:22 pm
Joelle Jax, Love the update. Thank you

Joelle Jax
07/01/24 09:38 am
(cont'd) last updated date. I'll try again later. Be blessed! And big thanks to Jacci and everyone who donated!

Joelle Jax
07/01/24 09:34 am
Hi all! Hope everyone is doing well. I've made several attempts at posting the next chapter of LG&N, but I'm not sure if it's visible as it doesn't populate the Recents or update the l

07/01/24 06:10 am
@Trindap76 use the contact link in the menu, send me your me email, penname and I can reset it for you.

06/30/24 09:21 pm
Hey all I am trying to login but it's not letting me reset my password or send a request to the administrators.

06/29/24 05:27 pm
That's great news, Jacci - thank you and everyone who donated! long live VC - hurray!

06/28/24 11:59 am
If anybody has any ideas for looks, please let me know. Been a long time since we have had a change!

06/28/24 11:58 am
Have given the Chamber a little bit of a facelift. Hope ya'll like it. If you don't, you can change the default setting back to your favorite in your account settings.

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.