Letters from Evangeline allow John to relive some of their moments together. Come along and share with him his memories of what they shared and see him discover some things that he never knew.
The first letter pricks John's heart. Will he read the rest of the letters?
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
Dear John letters
Chapter 1 Introduction and letter one
What a crazy few months it has been tracking down, capturing and watching Eli Bennett pay for all of the pain he has caused. His deceitfulness of claiming that Evangeline left an advanced directive requesting termination of life support cost her life. Although her family will never forgive themselves for actually ‘pulling the plug’ they do now know that the culprit has been brought to justice.
Months ago when her sister, Layla, returned from visiting Evangeline and told me that Evangeline died I felt like the bottom had fallen out of my world. I shed a tear. Evangeline had been in a coma for three years but I thought that she would eventually recover from it. I even bought a bottle of wine to share with her when she returned home. It was the same kind of wine that we drank when we were locked in Mary Barnes’ basement. The same night that we first made love. I didn’t know it then but I know it now. We made love that night and that began the start of our relationship. But now she’s dead and I will never get to share that wine with her, never get to see her smile, never get to hear her voice ever again.
As I clear the last files off of my desk and prepare to leave for the evening I look up at my file cabinet and see the football that she gave me so many years ago. Why I kept it I don’t really know. Does one keep things given to them by their exes? Well I kept that football and I’m glad that I did. It’s the only thing that I have left of her except that picture that we took at Nora’s wedding to Daniel Colson. I don’t want to think about that fiasco with Nora and Daniel Colson. That’s best left in the past. Let me get my head out of the fog and go home, take a shower, and have a nice cold beer. I’ll stop at the diner to get some food to take home with me.
Working long hours on the Bennett case just didn’t allow me much time for anything else but now that’s over. Just as I pass the front desk of my apartment building and start up the stairs to my room I hear Roxie Balsam call my name.
“Johnny boy you have a package” she goes behind the desk and pulls it out and hands it to me.
I thank her for the package and head to my room but not before she adds, “Did you buy something nice for Natalie, is that what’s in the package?”
“No Roxie this is not for Natalie and I have no idea what is in the package. Thank you and good night.”
Surprisingly she has nothing else to say and I turn and walk up the stairs to my room. Arriving home I’m glad that I cleaned my apartment over the weekend because it was starting to look very shabby. I place the package on the table in front of my sofa. I opt to take a shower and eat before I open the package.
The food and the beer satisfy me and then I put the package on my lap to open it. Not until now did I ever look at the postmark. It is from Maryland. I don’t know anyone in Maryland. Then I remember that Evangeline’s mother lives in Maryland. Taped to the front of the box is a sealed envelope that I detach and open.
‘Dear John,
First I want to thank you for getting justice for Evangeline by capturing that evil man Eli Bennett. My Cookie died because of his treachery. John I know that we have not always gotten along but I will put that aside now because this time you did right by Evangeline.
After all of this time I’m finally sorting through her things and imagine my surprise when I find this box with your name on it. I have not looked through the box. I just taped it up and sent it to you. I thought that since Evangeline kept it all of these years that I should not just throw it out. I’m sending it to you because I think that is what she would want me to do.
Take care of yourself John. I know that Evangeline would want you to be happy.
Lisa Williamson’
It goes without saying that I am shocked to receive not only the letter from Mrs. Williamson but also a box of things that Evangeline had. I put the letter aside and sort through the box. Inside are some clothes that I assume are mine such as a shirt, sweater, socks, a tie clip, and at the bottom of the box is a bundle of letters wrapped with a blue ribbon. Removing the ribbon I notice that each envelope has the words ‘Dear John’. Putting the clothing and jewelry back in the box and placing the box back on the table I concentrate on the letters. I don’t count how many there are but instead look at how the handwriting differs from the letter on the bottom to the letter on the top. Some of the envelopes are wrinkled as if water had dropped on them. One even has a lipstick kiss on it. I open that one first.
‘Dear John,
Tonight I will never forget! It is my birthday and I’m looking at your gift to me. You gave me your mother’s pearls. I told you that I couldn’t accept them without a greater commitment on your part and you told me to just turn around and you put them on my neck. I wanted to cry for joy. Do you feel for me what I feel for you John? Do you love me like I love you?
I don’t know what to say or how to feel. Her love was so pure and I did not appreciate it. How could I have been so blind? Now too late I realize that I did love her and will never get the chance to show her or tell her. (To Be Continued or not)
Just a thought that I have running around in my head. Not sure if I will continue it but at least wanted to put it to paper. What do you think?